Comparative Study of Different Inertia Weight Strategies in Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Actual Computational Time Cost
Parametric Control of Longitudinal-Rotational Rod Oscillations and Phenomenon of Excitation of the Nonlinear Reverse Rotational Vibrations
Solving Problems in Mechanics by Mechanical and Geometrical Considerations
Assessing Multiple Engineering Tasks Via Escape Room Game
Study and Experimental Work on Friction Stir Welding of Similar and Dissimilar AZ31/ AZ91 Mg Alloys
An Effect of Blending Ratio on Mechanical and Thermal Properties of the Sawdust-cocoa Pod Briquettes
Microbeats Distributions on Tensor Fields
Analysis of Different Toolpath Strategies for Machining of The Steam Turbine Blade on Surface Roughness and Machining Time
Investigation of Nonlinear Fluid Flow Equation in a Porous Media and Evaluation of Convection Heat Transfer Coefficient, By Taking the Forchheimer Term into Account
Notes on Mathematical Techniques in Rotational and Non-rotational Cylindrical Disks
Two-Dimensional Flow of a Pressure-Dependent Viscosity Fluid in Porous Media with a Specified Streamfunction
Increasing the Accuracy of a Marine Diesel Engine Operation Limit by Thermal Factor
Crashing Analysis of end-capped thin-walled Steel Conical Frusta Containing Cutouts
Prediction of Strength Properties of Natural Fiber-porous Composites by Neural Networks
Simulation Approach of an Automation System for Heavy Equipment Feed Drives
Derivation and Analysis of the Navier-Stokes Equations in Coordinate System Rotating Around the Vertical Axis
Analysis the Effect of the Volute Diffuser on Unsteady Pressure Pulsation in a Centrifugal Pump at Large Operating Conditions
Memory Dependent Thermal Response in Generalized Magneto-thermoelastic Medium Having a Long Cylindrical Cavity
Effect of Cerium and Praseodymium Additions on Impact Toughness of AA5083 Alloy at Room Temperature and Sub-Zero-Temperature
Robust Numerical Solution for Solving Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication (EHL) Problems using Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) Approach
Modelling of Thermo Magnetic Field Effects on Stability Analysis of a Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Rested on Polymer Matrix
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a Stewart Platform Based on Improved Dynamic Model
Simulation of Fully Coupled Thermomechanical Analysis of Connecting Rod. Engine Type F4L912
An Effective Galerkin Boundary Element Method for a 3d Half-space Subjected to Surface Loads
Axisymmetric Problem of a Microelongated Thermoelastic Medium Due to Thermomechanical Sources
Analytical Investigations of Plane Wave Propagation Across a Single Tuned Mass Damper
Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement of Double Pipe Heat Exchanger
Characterization of PVA/chitosan Nano Fiber Membrane and Increasing Mechanical Properties with Cross-Linking by Heating
Elastically Damped Transient Response of Axially FG Straight Beams
FEM based Work Equivalent Nodal Load Derivations for Plates Resting on Winkler Foundations
Resonant Orbits for the Space Debris
Efficient 2D Stress Analysis of an Isotropic Bolted Joint Connection with Finite Dimensions using the Airy Stress Function
Performance Comparison of Location of Optimum TMD on Seismic Structures
Grey Wolf Optimizer Based Design of Reinforced Concrete Retaining Walls Considering Shear Key
Investigation of Cross-Sectional Dimension on Optimum Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Design for Shear Capacity Increase of Reinforced Concrete Beams
Artificial Neural Network Model for Optimum Design of Tubular Columns
Time Delay Factor of Structural Control Systems for Excitations with and Without Pulses
Mass Ratio Factor on Optimum TMD Design in Frequency Domain
Some Researches in the Field of Fatigue Phenomenon in Engineering
Contribution to the Performance Computation by Enhanced Cooling Tower
Stress intensity factors in crack closure problems
Studies to avoid breaking tool in manufacturing by broaching operation
A review of Mechanical Properties of Jute-glass and Luffa-glass fiber reinforced epoxy hybrid composites
Experimental evaluation of 3D steel joint with loading in both axis
Bessel Models of Linear Viscoelasticity
Effect of High Performance Concrete Mixture on Behavior of Passive and Active Confined CFT
Variance of the Vertical Accelerations due to the Suspended Masses in the System “Railway Vehicle-Track”: Simulation Technique, Differential Equation, Fourier Transform and Approximants
The Relationship between the Impact Resistance, Sound Emittance and the Hardness of Wooden Floorings
Modeling Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer in Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers According to Shape and Layout of Tubes
An Experimental research on wake behind airfoil Naca0012 under various angles
Effect of butt joint distortion on Ti/Al dissimilar metal using Laser beam welding
Artificial Neural Networks based prediction and Multi Response Optimization on EDM of Aluminium/Fly ash composites
Torque Characterization of Magnetorheological Brake using Finite Element Analysis
The Effect of Coefficient of Restitution for Two Collision Models
Experimental Measurement of Volume Changes of Cement Concrete Specimens
Delamination of a Composite Laminated under Monotonic Loading
Numerical study of quenching heat treatment: Influence of the cooling modes on the hardness
Experimental Study of Two-Phase Flow Using Shadowgraphy and IPI Technique
Multiple Solutions of Slip Flow and Heat Transfer over an Exponential Shrinking Sheet with Stability Analysis
Impact of Low Temperatures on Compressive Strength of Concrete
Specific Problems Occurred in Dental Materials
Solution of Some Inverse Problems for Heat and Mass Transport in Unsaturated Porous Media
PIV Study of Flow Field in Rushton Turbine Stirred Vessel Influenced by Spatial Resolution
The Effect of Flow-Induced Oil-Water Emulsions on Pressure Drop
On the Integral Form of the Motion Equations for Free Surface Flow
Model of Fatigue Crack and Effect of Triaxiality
Fatigue Life Prediction of Titanium Specimens With TiO2 Surface
Some Considerations Regarding the Analysis of Pneumatic Actuators by Mathematical Models
Interaction Optimization in Multibody Dynamic System
Static and Free Vibration Analysis of Planar Curved Composite Beams on Elastic Foundation
Optimization of Mix Composition of Cement-less Wastepaper-Based Lightweight Block (CWLB)
Discontinouity Modelling for Finite Difference Method
Prediction of Plastic Deformation in the Stringer According to the Press Head
A Study on Effect of Immersion on the Mechanical Characteristics of Polyurethane Foam
A Study on Mechanical Behavior of Deformation Experienced Polyisocyanurate Foam under Compressive Load
Numerical Simulation on the Influence of Solidification Rate on Mechanical Properties of Semi-Crystalline Thermoplastic Composites
Melting Performance Enhancement of Triplex Tube Latent Thermal Storage Using Fins-NanoPCM Technique
The Effects of Supports on Optimum Design of RC Continuous Beams
Restricted Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete Retaining Walls
Mechanical Behaviour - Idealised Zones on Stress Space
Utilization of Asphalt Belt as Sliding Joint for Friction Elimination
Experimental Verification of Innovative Shear Connection of Composite Steel-Concrete Beams Using Push-out Tests
Deformation of Foundation Structure and their Experimental Testing
Loading Tests of Adhesively Bonded Joints of Glass-Fibre Reinforced Plastic Composite Members
Analysis of Model Foundation Slab Focused on Strain Gauge Measurement
Freeze-Thaw Resistance of Self Compacting Concrete Incorporating Basic Pumice
Non-Linear Programing for Sizing Optimization of Truss Structures
Size Optimization of Truss Structures Employing Flower Pollination Algorithm without Grouping Structural Members
Optimum Tuning of Mass Dampers for Seismic Structures Using Flower Pollination Algorithm
Stability Analysis of a Geometrically Imperfect Structure Using a Random Field Model
A Simple Solution for Randomized Failure Modeling with the SPH Method
Natural Vibrations of a Nano-Beam with Cracks
A General Elastic Shell Model for Advanced Structures
Mathematical Modelling of Multirotor UAV
Linear Analysis of an Innovative System for Wooden Arches and Vaults
Passable Motions and Stick Motions of Friction-Induced Oscillator with 2-DOF on a Speed-Varying Belt
How to Handle Irregular Distribution of SPH Particles in Dynamic Fracture Analysis
Spectral and Statistical Analysis of the Internal Bore Evolution
Research on Quality Assurance for Parts Obtained by Machining
On Path Planning for Obstacle Avoidance: Comparison Between Two Finite Element Approaches
Hyper Velocity Impact Phenomenon and the Damages Caused by it to Structural Members
Sensitivity of FRF’s Curvature Difference Method in Detecting Damage
A Study of Determination of Geological Age by Thermal Analysis Method
Load Values Influence on Stresses in Monolithic Ceramic Molar Crowns
Stress Waves in Solids, Transmission, Reflection and Interaction and Fractures Caused by Them: State of the Art
Experimental Study on the Restrained Shrinkage Cracking of FRC Composite Metal Decks
Shear Strengthening Reinforced Concrete Beams with Externally Bonded Fiber-Reinforced Polymer: Updated Data Base
Approximation to Expectation Value of Non-Selfadjoint Operator in Anharmonic Exponential Oscillator System with Use of Two-Sided Rayleigh Quotient
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Stability of Supersonic Boundary Layer on Porous Coating
Stability and Stabilization of the Solidification Front for Melt Flow in Cylindrical Channel with Phase Change on a Wall. Part 2
Stability Problems of Pyramidal von Mises Planar Trusses with Geometrical Imperfection
Fuzzy Analysis of the Serviceability Limit State of a Truss Cantilever
Strong and Weak Interactions in Stochastic Systems of Nonlinear Mechanics
A Study on the Fusion Reducer Module with No-Lubrication, High Precision for the Robot
Control of Supersonic Boundary Layer and its Stability by Means of Foreign Gas Injection Through the Porous Wall
Experimental Investigation of Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Vehicle Suspension Design
Bed Rugosity Determination for Critical Velocity Profile in Cohesionless Sediment Beds
Strengthening Concrete Sections by FRP Materials
An Experimental Study of Flow in Model of Hydraulic Turbine
Modeling of Hydrogen Embrittlement of Metals in Wet H2S Containing Environments
Numerical Investigation of Flow Structure in Hydraulic Turbines of High-Head Power Development
Heat Transfer Coefficients and Efficiency Loss in Plate Heat Exchangers During the Ammonia Liquor Cooling Process
Simulation of Behaviour Dynamics of the Ship Steam Boiler
Analysis of Combustibility Limits for Lean Methane/Air Mixtures in Cylindrical Annular Packed Bed
Second Order Differential Equation of Motion in Railways: the Variance of the Dynamic Component of Actions due to the Sprung Masses of the Vehicles
Effects of the individual terms of the lunar potential in the motion of satellites around the moon
Slip Effects on MHD Non-Darcy Boundary layer Flow over a Stretching Sheet in a Porous Medium with radiation and Ohmic Dissipation
Combined low-Reynolds-number k-ε model for recirculating flows