

Ekbal Rashid, Nikos E. Mastorakis



Software Project Quality Parameters Can Be Expressed as Functions of Software Project Growth Parameters

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The tremendous success of software projects like Linux Foundation, Python Foundation, Apache, Gnome, Fedora, Ubuntu, have inspired researchers to study the different aspects of growth and quality of such software projects. This area of research is finding importance in industry and academics. This has compelled companies like Microsoft and Apple, to look towards community ways of software development, and that is paying them good dividends. In this backdrop, the present work aims to correlate the growth parameters of such kinds of collaborative community-based projects to their quality parameters. It aims to identify those growth parameters that would directly affect quality of the software projects.


Software projects, Software Engineering, Collaborative Software, Predict


Cite this paper

Ekbal Rashid, Nikos E. Mastorakis. (2024) Software Project Quality Parameters Can Be Expressed as Functions of Software Project Growth Parameters. International Journal of Computers, 9, 43-48


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