

Dilshod Nematov



Linear Frequency-dependent Optical Characteristics of Perovskites of the CsSn[Br1–xIx]3 System

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The optical properties of perovskites of the CsSn[Br1–xIx]3 system in the spectral frequency range of 3–10 THz were studied by quantum-chemical calculations in the framework of DFT using the Wien2K package, and the frequency dependences of the refractive index, photoconductivity, and absorption coefficient of these nanocrystals were estimated. It has been established that in the indicated frequency range with an increase in the iodine content, the absorbing properties of the CsSn[Br1–xIx]3 (x=0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00) system increase linearly.


Wien2K package; FP-LAPW; optical properties; solar energy materials; frequency dependence; terahertz technology; absorption coefficients


Cite this paper

Dilshod Nematov. (2022) Linear Frequency-dependent Optical Characteristics of Perovskites of the CsSn[Br1–xIx]3 System. International Journal of Applied Physics, 7, 67-72


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