

Girdu Constantin Cristinel, Buzatu Constantin



Sapphire Laser Doped with Ti:Al2O3 Titanium Ions Shaped with the Advanced Multi-Criteria Analysis

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laser spectroscopy, resonant cavity, sapphire doped


In this paper it was used the advanced multi-criteria analysis technique obtaining remarkable results in the comparative evaluation of more alternatives to the sapphire laser doped with Ti: Al2O3 trivalent titanium ions, different types of rankings, the design of some technical inventions, the calculation determining the weight of a criterion, offering an N mark, the matrix of consequences.

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Girdu Constantin Cristinel, Buzatu Constantin. (2016) Sapphire Laser Doped with Ti:Al2O3 Titanium Ions Shaped with the Advanced Multi-Criteria Analysis. International Journal of Circuits and Electronics, 1, 89-93