AUTHOR(S): Kamal El Aguez, Nasr Hajji, Hafid Barka
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KEYWORDS Cloud Computing, adoption, adapted regulation |
ABSTRACT The global nature of cloud computing creates many governance problems. Formerly, the regulatory framework governing the data storage and processing was well defined; in general, the national laws of each state. Today, cloud computing has to answer a key question: how to design a multi-jurisdictional framework that will be adopted by all countries planning to use cloud services? Our paper provides an overview of the cloud-computing ecosystem, its essential characteristics, its key players and its different types of services and deployments. It also includes an analysis of the opportunities and risks associated with the adoption and implementation of cloud computing services, as well as attempts to answer the question of adapted regulation to this new type of service. It also makes some recommendations and defines the best suitable practices for a successful adoption and implementation of cloud services. |
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Cite this paper Kamal El Aguez, Nasr Hajji, Hafid Barka. (2016) The Cloud Computing: the impact of regulation on adoption. International Journal of Computers, 1, 22-32 |