AUTHOR(S): Dias Eduardo Mario, Pereira Sergio Luis, Bego Marco Antonio
TITLE Optimization of the Hospital Supply Chain Through Information System Architecture |
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ABSTRACT This paper proposes the use of information systems architecture for optimizing the hospital supply chain processes and management. It presents the methodology developed and the design of information system architecture for the optimization of a hospital supply chain. The methodology is divided into three steps: the first is the Identification of Improvement Opportunities, where a survey of the key processes of the supply chain is carried out, including how they are performed, measured, the key decisions made, and whether the processes have the necessary requirements for the competitiveness of the supply chain. In step two, the Optimization Proposal based on the 4Rs concept, the information from the previous step is used to develop an optimization proposal for the hospital supply chain. Finally, in the step three the project of a System Architecture for the Optimization of the Hospital Supply Chain - ASOCSH is performed based on three modules: processes, indicators and decision-making. |
KEYWORDS Supply Chain 1., Logistics 2., Performance Indicators 3., Inventory Management 4., Information Systems 5., Hospital Supply Chain 6. |
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Cite this paper Dias Eduardo Mario, Pereira Sergio Luis, Bego Marco Antonio. (2016) Optimization of the Hospital Supply Chain Through Information System Architecture. International Journal of Computers, 1, 62-72 |