AUTHOR(S): Caio Fernando Fontana, Cledson Akio Sakurai, Claudio Luiz Marte, Leopoldo Yoshioka, Antonio Gil Da Silva Andrade
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ABSTRACT In order to implement the Internet of things, the case study uses the technologies associated with sensors installed in the vehicle in order to identify the vehicle when it passes through a portal and the associated information available as RFID (Radio Frequency Identification): temperature, average speed, doors and other relevant information. The paper presents a case study in order to use ITS technologies applied to conduct activities, mainly for the bus tracking. The case study is proposed with this paper, using the concept of IoT (Internet of Things) is the inspection of trucks. |
KEYWORDS IoT, BRT, RFID, BRT, Mobility, Transportation. |
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Cite this paper Caio Fernando Fontana, Cledson Akio Sakurai, Claudio Luiz Marte, Leopoldo Yoshioka, Antonio Gil Da Silva Andrade. (2016) IOT Applied in ITS. International Journal of Computers, 1, 135-140 |