

Yeongbok Choe, Sunghyeon Lee, Moonkun Lee



dT-Calculus: A Process Algebra to Model Timed Movements of Processes

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There are strong needs for both mobile and temporal properties in process algebras designed to specify and analyze distributed mobile real-time systems (DMRS). However there is no practical process algebra with both properties. For example, there is no mobile property in TCCS with the temporal, and, similarly, there is limited temporal property in d-Calculus with the mobile. In order to solve these limitations, this paper proposes dT-Calculus with expressive power of movements of processes with temporal condition. dT-Calculus extended the basic temporal properties of synchronous process movement of d-Calculus into more specific temporal properties in order to specify and analyze the temporal property of DMRS more effectively: ready time, execution time, waiting time, deadline, etc. In order to simulate the proposed process movement with temporal properties, the SAVE tool has been developed on ADOxx Meta-Modeling Platform and demonstrates efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed approach with an EMS example.


dT-calculus, d-calculus, Process Algebra, Mobility, Time, SAVE


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Cite this paper

Yeongbok Choe, Sunghyeon Lee, Moonkun Lee. (2017) dT-Calculus: A Process Algebra to Model Timed Movements of Processes. International Journal of Computers, 2, 53-62


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