

Dwi Purwanto



Effects Of Various Temperatures On Impact Strength, Hardness And Metallography In ST 37 Steel For Plates By Heat Treatment And Quenching Processes

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Heat treatment of ST37 steel which is heated from a temperature variation of 300 ℃, 500 ℃ to 900 ℃ produces a relatively increased hardness value of ST37 steel, in this study using the quenching method with water. From the results of the research obtained the hardness value of ST37 steel before the heat treatment process 52.62 VHN while after the heating process to 900 ℃ ST37 steel obtained a hardness value of up to 85.56 VHN, then in this study showed the impact strength before the heating process on ST37 steel resulted in 40 Joule / mm2, while after the heating process to 900 ℃ showed an impact strength value of 52.73 Joule / mm2. From the data carried out hardness testing and impact testing, the heating process at 900 ℃ is the most suitable for reforming, this research can also find out the effect of impact loads on the mechanical properties of materials and recognize the factors that affect material failure with impact loads.


ST37 Steel, Hardness, Heat Treatment, Temperature


Cite this paper

Dwi Purwanto. (2023) Effects Of Various Temperatures On Impact Strength, Hardness And Metallography In ST 37 Steel For Plates By Heat Treatment And Quenching Processes. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 8, 17-22


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