

Dan L. Lacrama



Internet of Things & Augmented Reality App for Education

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This paper advocates the use of the Augmented Reality (AR) as a gateway to allow humans to become an active part inside the Internet of Things (IoT). This technology mixture changes the IoT from its classical pattern, a network of smart objects intercommunicating mostly without us, to an environment of exchanging information where we detain the power to understand, react and amend our surroundings. The first section is a presentation of the general concepts concerning the IoT and AR. The next sub-chapter will refer to some examples of the combined use of AR and IoT already operational. The third paragraph will present the implementation of a teaching application mixing AR & IoT to obtain a better student’s access to information. Concluding remarks, containing the authors’ opinion on the future development trends in this field of research, will be added at the end


Augmented Reality, Internet of Things, Education


Cite this paper

Dan L. Lacrama. (2019) Internet of Things & Augmented Reality App for Education. International Journal of Internet of Things and Web Services, 4, 19-26


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