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IoT Based Oyster Output Management System - IARAS



Yeong-Yil Yang, Young-Ho Choi, Young-Sik Park, Jong-Cheol Lee



IoT Based Oyster Output Management System

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In this paper, we propose oyster output management system based on IoT(Internet of Things) through multi-channels, the internet or the 3G/4G mobile communication for managing and monitoring the amount of the oyster product. We designed and developed the managing program and the smart scale. The environment of the oyster workplace, such as temperature and humidity can be monitored to judge the degree of the freshness. The information acquired at the smart scale is transmitted to the management program running on the server in real time.



Oyster Product, Management System, Smart Phone, IoT, Marine Product, Smart Scale



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Cite this paper

Yeong-Yil Yang, Young-Ho Choi, Young-Sik Park, Jong-Cheol Lee. (2017) IoT Based Oyster Output Management System. International Journal of Circuits and Electronics, 2, 83-88


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