

Chandram Karri, Prakash Kamisetti, B. N. V. Uma Shankar, M. T. L. Gayatri



Invasive Weed Optimization for Optimal Capacitor Placement on a Radial Distribution System

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In this study, Invasive Weed Optimization (IWO) is presented to optimize the size of capacitors in a radial distribution system to reduce power loss and improve voltage profile. In this research, the Power Loss Index is used to identify weak buses in the distribution system, and IWO was used to determine the size of capacitors that should be installed at the weak buses to reduce power losses and enhance the voltage profile. The proposed method was created in MATLAB and tested using a variety of conventional tests. In terms of power loss, the simulation results generated by the proposed methodology were compared to the base case system, and the results were compared to the existing approaches available.


Invasive weed optimization, capacitor placement, Power Loss Index and Radial distribution system


Cite this paper

Chandram Karri, Prakash Kamisetti, B. N. V. Uma Shankar, M. T. L. Gayatri. (2024) Invasive Weed Optimization for Optimal Capacitor Placement on a Radial Distribution System. International Journal of Circuits and Electronics, 9, 13-19


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