

Raluca Dovleac



The Rise of DevQualOps and Implications on Software Quality

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Quality of software products and development processes has been seen through the lens of customer oriented practices lately. We can observe an emphasis on agile development and development approaches that promise fast, iterative releases which are in accordance to the customer and/or stakeholder’s requirements. While the delivery time has been significantly cut short by these approaches, time after time we witness several other drawbacks of these methodologies (costs raised by technical debt, Agile burnout, issues regarding scalability and so on) as well as new methodologies emerging in order to provide a fix for some of these issues. The latest approach in software development methodologies was the DevOps development model, a model that aimed to bridge the gap between Development and Operations personnel. Even so, issues regarding to software quality continued to emerge, which led to the birth of DevQualOps, a software development model that integrates more aspects and tools of quality management within the development process. The paper looks at the implications and possible benefits of implementing and using the DevQualOps development model as an alternative to those already used.


DevOps, DevQualOps, agile development, software development, quality, software quality, quality assurance, lean software


Cite this paper

Raluca Dovleac. (2023) The Rise of DevQualOps and Implications on Software Quality. International Journal of Computers, 8, 5-10


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