AUTHOR(S): Viktorija Ponomarenko, Leonids Novickis
TITLE Sustainable Development and Improvement of the Semantic Web Portal |
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ABSTRACT A lot of the progress is directly dependent on an information technology solution which could implement the task more quickly by saving time, money and energy. The life cycle of any kind of information system begins with its development and continues with transferring the results to the audience. The purpose of this paper to provide an overview of new Semantic Web Portal and its transferring process to potential end-users. Based on the key concepts of the technology transfer, the foreign experience and the best practices, it has been developed a new information technology transfer model and a way of its practical application, taking into account the environmental factors. |
KEYWORDS technology transfer, process measurement, semantic web technologies, software configuration management |
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Cite this paper Viktorija Ponomarenko, Leonids Novickis. (2017) Sustainable Development and Improvement of the Semantic Web Portal. International Journal of Computers, 2, 74-79 |