AUTHOR(S): Eva Tuba, Romana Capor-Hrosik, Viktor Tuba
TITLE Performance Analysis of Earthworm Optimization Algorithm for Bound Constrained Optimization Problems |
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ABSTRACT Numerous real life problems represents hard optimization problems that cannot be solved by deterministic algorithm. In the past decades various different methods were proposed for these kind of problems and one of the methods are nature inspired algorithms especially swarm intelligence algorithms. Earthworm optimization algorithm (EWA) is one of the recent swarm intelligence algorithm that has not been thoroughly researched. In this paper we tested EWA algorithm on 28 standard benchmark functions and compared results with particle swarm optimization algorithm. Comparison show that EWA has good characteristics and it outperformed other approach from literature. |
KEYWORDS hard optimization problems, optimization algorithms, swarm intelligence, earthworm optimization, EWA |
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Cite this paper Eva Tuba, Romana Capor-Hrosik, Viktor Tuba. (2017) Performance Analysis of Earthworm Optimization Algorithm for Bound Constrained Optimization Problems. International Journal of Computers, 2, 94-98 |