AUTHOR(S): Melike Ebru Kirkin, Metin Demiralp
TITLE A Case Study on Squarification in Probabilistic Evolution Theory (PREVTH) for Henon-Heiles Systems |
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ABSTRACT The Probabilistic Evolution Theory (PREVTH) has been effectively developed in recent few years to solve the explicit autonomous ODE(s) accompanied by certain initial conditions. The theory focuses on the cases where right hand side functions are conical in unknowns at the right hand side. If it is not so certain space extension technies are used to get conicality. [1–6]. Theory gives an analytical Kronecker power series solution almost for all practically encountered systems. The squarification reduces the enormous sparsity and gets very high efficiency. This work is designed for the application of PREVTH Squarification on Henon-Heiles systems as a case study. |
KEYWORDS Ordinary differential equation, probabilistic evolution theory, Henon-Heiles, squarification |
REFERENCES [1] M. Demiralp, “Squarificating the Telescope Matrix Images of Initial Value Vector in Probabilistic Evolution Theory (PET),” in Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Applied Mathematics (AMATH14), ISBN: 978-1-61804- 258-3, WSEAS Press, ˙Istanbul, Turkiye, 2014, ¨ pp. 99104. [2] M. E. Kırkın, and C. Goz¨ ukırmızı, “Probabilis- ¨ tic Evolution Theory for ODE Sets with Second Degree Multinomial Right Hand Side Functions: Certain Reductive Cases”ICCMSE, Atina, Greece, 2015. [3] C. Goz¨ ukırmızı, “Probabilistic Evolution The- ¨ ory for ODE Sets with Second Degree Multinomial Right Hand Side Functions: Implementation” ICCMSE, Atina, Greece, 2015. [4] C. Goz¨ ukırmızı,“Sıradan T ¨ urevli Denklemlerin ¨ Olasılıksal Evriminin ˙Izgesel Niteliklerinde Yoney ve Katlıdizi Tabanlı ¨ ˙Incelemeler”, PhD Thesis, in Turkish, Informatics Institute, ˙Istanbul Technical University, 2015. [5] C. Goz¨ ukırmızı, and M. Demiralp, ¨ Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 52, 866-880 (2014), ISSN 0259-9791, URL http://dx.doi. org/10.1007/s10910-013-0298-5 [6] C. Goz¨ ukırmızı, and M. Demiralp, ¨ Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 52, 881-898 (2014), ISSN 0259-9791, URL http://dx.doi. org/10.1007/s10910-013-0299-4 |
Cite this paper Melike Ebru Kirkin, Metin Demiralp. (2016) A Case Study on Squarification in Probabilistic Evolution Theory (PREVTH) for Henon-Heiles Systems. International Journal of Computers, 1, 158-165 |