

Kemal Gökhan Nalbant, Berkan Bozkurt



Interaction of Artificial Intelligence in the Attack and Defense Industries Using Next-Generation Military Technologies

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The Attack and Defense Industry is essential to the nation's security by providing the most significant degree of confidence and satisfying military requirements safely. This research examines the significance of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and electronic information in the growth of the Defense Industry. With the emergence and development of artificial intelligence in the Defense Industry, what kind of products are produced, what studies are done, and the benefits/disadvantages in the defense industry are examined. The defense industry and all other sectors are affected by artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, big data, data science, deep learning, simulation, fuzzy logic, 5G, and electronics, which will be the next-generation military technologies. In this study, Hybrid Warfare, which has become more familiar with the developing artificial intelligence technologies in the Defense Industry, is also emphasized. Making sense of large-scale data processing using Artificial Intelligence technology may yield substantial military advantages, unique intelligence capabilities, and considerable improvements in various businesses. It is critical to keep up with the continual growth of artificial intelligence to maintain an effective defense.


Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Defense, Defense Industry, Defense Field, Deep Learning, Data Science, Electronics, Fuzzy Logic, Hybrid Warfare, Machine Learning, Robotics, 5G, Internet of Things


Cite this paper

Kemal Gökhan Nalbant, Berkan Bozkurt. (2022) Interaction of Artificial Intelligence in the Attack and Defense Industries Using Next-Generation Military Technologies. Journal of Electromagnetics, 5, 1-9


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