

Veneta Yosifova, Nikolay Stoimenov



Research on Adapting Sanitizing Robots in Stock Farms Hygiene

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This article describes a possible adaptation of sanitizing and other robots in stock farms to increase their hygiene conditions. The importance of the subject is analyzed, based on reviewing the main threads in terms of hygiene in stock farms. Existing sanitizing and other robots suitable for farm needs are described and reviewed. Conclusions about their implementation are made. Some improvements are suggested for optimizing the hygiene conditions in farms and reducing the risk of disease and infection spreading.


automation, robot, sanitizing, cleaning, disinfection, farm


Cite this paper

Veneta Yosifova, Nikolay Stoimenov. (2023) Research on Adapting Sanitizing Robots in Stock Farms Hygiene. International Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 5, 1-5


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