

Boris Svilicic



Cyber-Security of Shipboard Navigational Computer-Based Systems

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This work presents a cyber-security study of three shipboard navigational computer-based systems, the Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS), Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA), and Integrated Navigational System (INS). The systems are implemented on three different ships and are of different manufactures. The cyber-security examination was conducted using a software vulnerability scanner. The results have been studied in the context of security measures that are implemented on the ships. It has been shown that critical level cyber risks origin from the unmaintained operating system, its update and unsecured setup.


cyber-security, vulnerability scanning, navigational computer-based system, risk assessment


Cite this paper

Boris Svilicic. (2024) Cyber-Security of Shipboard Navigational Computer-Based Systems. International Journal of Transportation Systems, 9, 1-3


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