AUTHOR(S): Ninin Gusdini, Lisa Ratnasari, Bernard Hasibuanninin Gusdini
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ABSTRACT Tanjung Kelayang beach is one of the best beach in Bangka Belitung. Since March 15, 2016, Tanjung Kelayang has stipulated as Special Economic Zone (KEK) through Government Regulation Number 6 Year of 2016, with main activity in tourism field. Tanjung Kelayang tourism region (KWTK) has beautiful natural potency to be developed as famous tourist destination and becomes excellent destination in Belitung. In doing tourism activity, many things are influenced such as economical, ecological, and social fields. Tourist destination development still emphasizes on economic aspect in form of employment and improvement of economy in the respective tourist destination. Therefore, it needs mushroom growth strategy in tourism sector. One of another is by establishing economic valuation which later becomes goals of KSPN Tanjung Kelayang. This research aims to calculate consumer surplus, economic value potency of Tanjung Kelayang Tourism Area. Method used in this research is Travel Cost Method (TCM) which calculating direct use value with Revealed Preference approach. Result of this research is total travel cost of tourists who visit KWKT is Rp. 5.300.000 for the highest cost, Rp. 2.313.547 for its average, and Rp. 30.000 for the lowest cost. Factor which has positive significant influence on visit frequency is variable of total travel cost and income of tourists, consumer surplus from KWKT tourists is Rp 14.445.000 per tourist. |
KEYWORDS Tanjung Kelayang, consumer surplus, Travel Cost Method |
Cite this paper Ninin Gusdini, Lisa Ratnasari, Bernard Hasibuanninin Gusdini. (2020) Demand And Availability Factors To Pay Tourists To Tanjung Kelayang Destinations Based On Travel Cost Method. International Journal of Tourism, 5, 18-21 |