

Muhammad Salem, Mujahid Al-Azzo



Positioning Estimation of Radiating Sources using the Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) Technique

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This study used two algorithms to determine the positions of wave radiation sources. The classic Fourier transform (FT) algorithm is compared with the modern Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm. Both methods were implemented to estimate the positions of a single source and two sources with and without noise. The percentage error in sources’ positioning resulting from spectral estimating algorithms was calculated. Moreover, the minimum separation (dpt) between transmitting sources was determined, representing the shortest distance between sources at which the algorithm can distinguish between sources and estimate their positions. Simulation results indicate that the MUSIC algorithm surpasses the FFT algorithm in enhancing positioning estimation for wave-transmitting sources.


Spectral Analysis, Positioning Estimation, Uniform Linear Array (ULA), Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm


Cite this paper

Muhammad Salem, Mujahid Al-Azzo . (2024) Positioning Estimation of Radiating Sources using the Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) Technique. International Journal of Signal Processing, 9, 35-42


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