

Krzysztof Naus, Mariusz Waz



Method of Producing the Multidimensional Radar Display

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This article presents methods for creating multidimensional radar presentation. Radar image distortion and problems related to the visualization of these images in the ECDIS have been described. The cardinal question in producing three-dimensional radar image display is a method of acquisition of information about the third coordinate. Contemporary navigational radars are the equipment which is based on two coordinates. Amplification of the displayed echo in radar display is depended on the effective reflection area, which may manifest a size of the observed object only in part. The reflection area is not always directly proportional to the observed objects sizes. It may be increased if appropriate radar reflectors are used. Thus the third dimension, the third coordinate, may be obtained through finding out a level of radio location signal, reflected and coming back to the receiver.


Radar, 3D Visualization, ENC


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Cite this paper

Krzysztof Naus, Mariusz Waz. (2017) Method of Producing the Multidimensional Radar Display. International Journal of Signal Processing, 2, 121-128


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