

Hadj Sahraoui Omar, Berrichi Faouzi, Chamakhi Djemoui, Dif Amar



Hybrid Phase Unwrapping Approach for InSAR Interferometry: Content-Based Interpolation & Adaptive Phase Unwrapping

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In this research article, we present a novel hybrid approach for phase unwrapping in Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) interferometry. Our proposed method combines Content-Based Interpolation (CBI) techniques with Adaptive Phase Unwrapping (APU) algorithms to address the challenges associated with phase unwrapping in complex interferograms. Content-Based Interpolation utilizes the spatial and spectral characteristics of the interferogram to interpolate phase values in regions of missing or unreliable data, while Adaptive Phase Unwrapping adapts the unwrapping process to the local phase gradient, enhancing the robustness and accuracy of the unwrapped phase. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our hybrid approach through experiments conducted on synthetic and real InSAR data, showing significant improvements in phase unwrapping accuracy and reliability compared to traditional methods. Our proposed hybrid phase unwrapping approach offers a promising solution for enhancing the quality of InSAR interferograms and advancing the capabilities of remote sensing applications such as terrain deformation monitoring, surface displacement analysis, and topographic mapping [1][7][10]. By exploiting the phase of the coherent radar signal, interferometry has transformed radar remote sensing from a largely interpretive science to a quantitative tool for Environmental Monitoring [3][17], with applications in cartography, geodesy, land cover characterization, and natural hazards. Extensive testing across multiple sites has demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method, showcasing promising results.


Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), Interferometry, Phase Unwrapping, Content-Based Interpolation, Adaptive Phase Unwrapping, Environmental Monitoring


Cite this paper

Hadj Sahraoui Omar, Berrichi Faouzi, Chamakhi Djemoui, Dif Amar. (2024) Hybrid Phase Unwrapping Approach for InSAR Interferometry: Content-Based Interpolation & Adaptive Phase Unwrapping. International Journal of Signal Processing, 9, 7-15


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