

Dana Prochazkova, Jan Prochazka



Method of Selecting A Source of Electrical Energy Suitable for The Site

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To ensure reliable supplies of electricity in a given territory, it is necessary to choose the source that is for the given territory the most suitable in all aspects, i.e. the availability of resources, technology, fi-nances to cover costs and demands on personnel are ensured. With regard to the current situation in en-ergy sector, we are also focus on small modular reactors, which we, therefore, describe in detail. Since meeting the requirements of human society for the safety of energy sources can only be achieved by combining the measures from a wide range of areas that are incommensurable, a multi-criteria approach is chosen. The procedure used is described in detail and it is given a case study in which it is used.


Power sources; availability; risks; security; multi-criteria approach


Cite this paper

Dana Prochazkova, Jan Prochazka. (2022) Method of Selecting A Source of Electrical Energy Suitable for The Site. International Journal of Renewable Energy Sources, 7, 34-50


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