

Dhemas Okto Jaka Pangestu, Doddy Irawan, Gunarto, Faino



Effect of Boss Runner Diameter on Laboratory Scale Vortex Water Turbine Performance Efficiency

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One of the renewable energy sources that can be utilized is water. Due to Indonesia's potential for very big river flows, which makes it easier to conduct studies, the need for energy is growing, and renewable energy sources like hydropower have emerged as one of the most necessary energy sources. The search for and comparison of various boss runners with various diameters is the aim of this study. With the technique of removing pairs of runners, the research process is made more effective and efficient where the boss runners have a diameter of 15 mm, 30 mm, or 45 mm. The process involves measuring the elements that have an impact on the boss runner diameter's efficiency value. The torque applied has an impact on the runner's efficiency value. Additionally, the torque load provided affects the runner's rotational speed in a way that creates the perfect ratio for maximizing efficiency. The 45 mm runner with 0.18 (Nm) torque, 74.6% efficiency, and 151.8 (rpm) runner rotation speed has the maximum efficiency.


renewable energy, hydropower, vortex turbine, runner, efficiency


Cite this paper

Dhemas Okto Jaka Pangestu, Doddy Irawan, Gunarto, Faino. (2023) Effect of Boss Runner Diameter on Laboratory Scale Vortex Water Turbine Performance Efficiency. International Journal of Renewable Energy Sources, 8, 75-80


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