

Jeu-Min Lin



The Synthesis of Soil Resistivity and EMF of underground Cable combined with 3-D Electromagnetic Field Study in Analyzing the Grounding Touch

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The earthing analysis is proposed in this paper. The effects of 3-D electromagnetic field and the influences of stray current are considered in the text simultaneously. The activity in the high-voltage environment is risky of being injured by electric shock. The safety of personnel in and around electric power the installations has been a prime concern. Specially, the safety is generally in terms of the allowable touch and step voltages. These voltages are related to the earthing resistance of human foot. I ofn order to increase the safety of personnel, a high resistivity surface layer of gravel is normally existed in the substation switchyards or other high voltage areas. The thickness of this layer will affect the calculation of the earthing resistance of human foot. Thus, the effect of soil resistivity will be considered in this paper. Among them, the electromagnetic field and humidity factors are also considered in this paper. As a result, the surface layer of gravel can be used to reduce the earthing resistance of human foot. The equivalent model of human foot was modeled by the circular plate conductor in the past. Which consider the beauty of the environment, most of the transmission lines are in the surface, so the transmission line generated by the discrete current will affect the earthing resistance estimation, thus the proposed paper will consider the composition of the special function which is the mathematical calculus popularized by the basic theorem of calculus. On the other hand, the damp ingredients, temperatures, and soil resistivity on the surface will also be considered in this paper. This paper research into the proposed method for estimating the earthing resistance of human foot and proposes an equivalent model for calculating the grounding resistance of human foot. The comparisons of the method are also shown in this paper.


Earthing analysis, 3-D electromagnetic field, soil resistivity, resistance estimation, attenuation element, contact voltage, body earthing resistance, electromagnetic field elements, stray current, and damp ingredients


Cite this paper

Jeu-Min Lin. (2020) The Synthesis of Soil Resistivity and EMF of underground Cable combined with 3-D Electromagnetic Field Study in Analyzing the Grounding Touch. International Journal of Power Systems, 5, 13-22


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