AUTHOR(S): Dragana Krstić, Siniša Minić, Suad Suljović, Mihajlo Stefanović
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ABSTRACT In this paper, the wireless system consisting of macrodiversity selection combining (SC) receiver and two microdiversity SC receivers under the influence of small scale fading and large scale fading, as well as co-channel interference is observed. Small scale fading has Weibull distribution. Correlated large scale fading is described by Gamma distribution. Co-channel interference is disturbed by α-κ-μ fading and Gamma large scale fading. Probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the ratio of Weibull random variable and α-κ-μ random variable are given. The formula for CDF of macrodiversity SC receiver output signal to interference ratio (SIR) is also presented. Level crossing rates at the outputs of microdiversity SC receivers are determined. Then, the level crossing rate (LCR) of wireless system output signal to interference ratio is derived and shown in some figures. Based on them, the influence of Weibull fading nonlinearity parameter, α-κ-μ fading severity parameter, α-κ-μ fading nonlinearity parameter, Rician factor, Gamma long term fading severity parameter and Gamma long term fading correlation coefficient is studied. |
KEYWORDS macrodiversity receiver; microdiversity receiver; selection combining (SC); Gamma fading; Weibull fading; α-κ-μ fading; level crossing rate |
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Cite this paper Dragana Krstić, Siniša Minić, Suad Suljović, Mihajlo Stefanović. (2017) The Second Order Performance of Macrodiversity Reception in the Presence of Weibull Fading, Gamma Fading and α-κ-μ Co-channel Interference. International Journal of Communications, 2, 41-50 |