

Badea Lepadatescu, Xiaodong Zhuang, Nikos E. Mastorakis, Paolo Mercorelli, Michael N Katehakis



Has WSEAS been ever engaged in Predatory Publishing Practices?

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In this paper we will examine if the WSEAS has been ever engaged in Predatory Publishing Practices. In WSEAS, we believe (this the culture that we cultivate since 1996), that Journals and Conferences without peer review cannot survive for a long period and disappear soon. Even if they eventually manage some good indexing, the academic community cannot recognize them as serious and valid academic outlets. To run Journals and Conferences without peer review is the absolute craze and a clear suicide for publishers or societies. According Wikipedia, Predatory publishing, sometimes called write-only publishing or deceptive publishing, is an exploitive academic publishing business model that involves charging publication fees to authors without checking articles for quality and legitimacy and without providing the other editorial and publishing services that legitimate academic journals provide, whether open access or not. But, has WSEAS been ever engaged in Predatory Publishing Practices? Absolutely, no. See more details here


Information Systems, WSEAS, Predatory Publishing Practices


Cite this paper

Badea Lepadatescu, Xiaodong Zhuang, Nikos E. Mastorakis, Paolo Mercorelli, Michael N Katehakis. (2025) Has WSEAS been ever engaged in Predatory Publishing Practices?. International Journal of Communications, 10, 1-6


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