

Konstantinos Sp. Giannakos



Railway System ’Vehicle-Track’: Relation Between the Spectral Density of Excitation vs of Response

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The present article examines the relation between the Spectral Density of Excitation to the Spectral Density of response in general and particularly in the case of the system “Railway Vehicle-Railway Track”. It begins with the general random excitation proceeds to the stationary and ergodic (random) processes and expresses mathematically the Spectral Density in these cases. Furthermore, it presents the impulsive excitations the Dirac impulse and the relationship between Excitation-Response Spectral Density and specifically for the case of the Track Defects and the Motion of the Railway Vehicle.


Excitation, Response, Spectral, Density, Railways, Track, Vehicle, Random, Functions, stationary, ergodic


Cite this paper

Konstantinos Sp. Giannakos. (2024) Railway System ’Vehicle-Track’: Relation Between the Spectral Density of Excitation vs of Response. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 9, 1-14


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