

Flavia Fechete



Analysis of the Influencing Factors in the Production of Parts with Nonconformities

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Obtaining performance is one of the major goals of any company. This involes important decisions to optimize the allocation of cash resources, ie labor, raw materials, energy, capital equipment, etc.. The objectives of the organization can be measured as effectiveness (the extent to which objectives have been met) or as efficiency (the extent to which objectives have been achieved in the available resources). Achieving performance is achieved by satisfying customer requirements. This can be done by delivering the requested products, at the established terms and prices. Delivery of non-compliant products will increase the number of complaints from customers and will affect the performance of the organization. The aim of the paper is to analyze the factors involved in manufacturing non-compliant products and their degree of correlation using multiple regression.


non-conformities, performance, complaints, multiple regression, correlation


Cite this paper

Flavia Fechete. (2021) Analysis of the Influencing Factors in the Production of Parts with Nonconformities . International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 6, 79-83


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