

Daschievici Luiza, Ghelase Daniela



About Competitive and Adaptive Control in Manufacturing Process

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In order to progress in the present-day complex and unpredictable environment, the company must feature abilities of quick response and favorably repositioning itself on the market. Acquisition and preservation of this capacity is the most difficult step for companies as it involves many endogenous and exogenous factors and the process is continuous, dynamic and hardly predictable. In this context, three elements are highlighted by their relevance: competitiveness, the manufacturing system and the knowledge system.The competitiveness based strategic control of the manufacturing systems as ability to perceive the environment, to make decision in time, as a result of the manufacturing system-market interaction, with no specific procedures. The manufacturing system environment provides on-line data on the actions undertaken which, properly analysed and correlated, will further generate solutions in order to develop the control decision. The aim of this work is the achievement of a modern and general approach of technical-economic competitiveness of the manufacturing systems taking into consideration the dynamic of the interaction factors from the economic environment.


competitiveness, on-line learning, manufacturing system, adaptive control, competitive management


Cite this paper

Daschievici Luiza, Ghelase Daniela. (2022) About Competitive and Adaptive Control in Manufacturing Process. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 7, 57-61


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