

Babli Lodhi, Dr. Shrihar Pandey



A Survey On Heat Pipe Heat Recovery Systems

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The development of heat pipe arrangements has been accelerated by advances in computer research, which have shown multiphase flow regimes and highlighted the vast potential of the respective technology for passive and active applications. This analysis aims to assess the utility of contemporary heat pipe systems for heat recovery and renewable applications. Regarding the operational temperature profiles of the evaluated industrial systems, fundamental characteristics and constraints are explained together with theoretical comparisons. Working fluids are compared using the figure of merit for the temperature range. The analysis determined that typical tubular heat pipe systems offer the broadest operational temperature range compared to other systems and, as a result, offer optimization and integration opportunities for renewable energy systems.



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Babli Lodhi, Dr. Shrihar Pandey. (2023) A Survey On Heat Pipe Heat Recovery Systems. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 8, 39-51


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