

Wasan Ajeel Ahmood



Solution of Quadratic Integral Equations by using Numerical Methods

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In my paper, three different forms of QIE will be discussed by using ADM. The first of Volterra type while the second of Fredholm type and the third the general form of the first one. In each case, the existence of a unique solution will be proved. Convergence analysis will be discussed and the maximum absolute truncated error of Adomians series solution will be estimated. The repeated trapezoidal method is used for comparison. In the end of this paper, a numerical implementation technique is used to overcome the difficulties appear in evaluating integrals.


Integral Equations, Adomian decomposition method, and proposed numerical method


Cite this paper

Wasan Ajeel Ahmood. (2024) Solution of Quadratic Integral Equations by using Numerical Methods. International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Methods, 9, 10-15


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