

John Sarivougioukas, Aristides Vagelatos



Knowledge Flux for Measuring the Intensity of the Ubiquitously Flowing Intelligence using Denotational Mathematics

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The formally defined mathematical framework of Denotational Mathematics, provides the opportunity to use existing mathematical tools to define the dimensionless magnitude of knowledge flow. In this paper, “knowledge flux” is defined in order to provide a quantified expression of the developing knowledge with which the knowledgeable control of the physical space can be achieved. Moreover, the data flux can be used as a measure of the interaction between the processes carried in the physical and the corresponding virtual domain. In addition, the data flux can be used to characterize the efficiency of the symbiotic partner agent software which facilitates the interaction between the physical and virtual spaces. As a result, the indicative interaction between the physical and the virtual spaces can be quantified and measured with objective evidence.


Knowledge flux, Context-awareness, Prerequisites & challenges, Knowledge evolvement, Static & Dynamic Representation of Knowledge, Process & dynamic effects, Dynamic knowledge


Cite this paper

John Sarivougioukas, Aristides Vagelatos. (2024) Knowledge Flux for Measuring the Intensity of the Ubiquitously Flowing Intelligence using Denotational Mathematics. International Journal of Mathematical and Computational Methods, 9, 29-41


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