

Tiago Da Silva Almeida, Murillo Vin´icius Dourado Bastos, Warley Gramacho Da Silva, Rafael Lima De Carvalho



Development of transducer management module for irrigation in precision agriculture based on internet of things

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The objective of this paper is the creation of a microcontroller system for management of transducers on watering for precision agriculture. The system sends the watering data to a web server for processing, making it an internet of things project. So there is the junction of two expanding areas, the internet of things and precision agriculture. The agriculture is an important area considering the state of Tocantins that have the economy centered in agro-business. We focus on the development of a field transducers control system. In our tests, it was verified the correct behavior of the system. However, its necessary change some sensor to robustest ones. Thus, it was chosen cheap components together with a way to implement the system.


Internet of Things, Precision Agriculture, Wireless Networks, Monitoring and Control


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Cite this paper

Tiago Da Silva Almeida, Murillo Vin´icius Dourado Bastos, Warley Gramacho Da Silva, Rafael Lima De Carvalho. (2018) Development of transducer management module for irrigation in precision agriculture based on internet of things. International Journal of Internet of Things and Web Services, 3, 45-54


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