This paper presents the development of an electornic system for access control of smart buildings. As a testbed, this system is proposed to work in the Federal University of Tocantins, campus of Palmas, in order to automatically grant access to authorized professors only, under reservation criteria. Currently, the access is done by requiring the presence of security staff which overwhelms their activities. In our proposal, all reservation and access information is decentralized to a working server. However, our tests were done in a decoupled way from the server to allow generalization of the proposal for the automation of any building. Another important point is the simplicity of the proposal to minimize problems of incompatibility between solutions. As result, we show that even with very low-cost components and parts it is possible create smart solutions to daily problems
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Tiago Da Silva Almeida, Leonardo Rezende Costa, Warley Gramacho Da Silva, Rafael Lima De Carvalho. (2018) CRELSA: property control access based on the internet of things. International Journal of Internet of Things and Web Services, 3, 39-44