

Henry Costa Ungaro, Fábio Vieira Do Amaral, Jair Minoro Abe, Lauro Henrique De Castro Tomiatti, Kazumi Nakamatsu



An Analysis of Digital Dependence in Dissonance with People’s Perception of Digital Dependence in Companies

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Symptoms of digital dependence change according to the advancement of technology. There is still no standard to define its characteristics, but some types of behavior begin to be usual, as the compulsive use of the Internet, a constant concern to be online. In addition to these behaviors, the internet is affecting the personal, social and professional life of this user, by using the internet to soothe or distract from problems and unwanted situations, tending to develop dependence characteristics. This paper shows the application of Paraconsistent Logic applied in a questionnaire developed by Kymberly Young about digital dependency, thus creating a Paraconsistent Method for Digital Dependency-based on this questionnaire. It was necessary to elaborate a model that can get the perception of the companies about this problem and how it is affecting the work environment. These perception questions were based on Gabriela Machioro research and use semantical answers based on MACBETH making these questions more "friendly" to answer. In conclusion, we found out that the perception indicates that about 88% of people do not have any notion about digital dependence. When we add up the level of dependents, at the level of worrying, to the level of moderate, we reach 75.25% of dependence or tendency of digital dependence, which explains the perception of 88% of the people in general, that when observing around, will find, at some moment, someone connected.


Paraconsistent Annotated Evidential Logic E?, Digital Dependency, Digital Dependency on Enterprises


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Cite this paper

Henry Costa Ungaro, Fábio Vieira Do Amaral, Jair Minoro Abe, Lauro Henrique De Castro Tomiatti, Kazumi Nakamatsu. (2018) An Analysis of Digital Dependence in Dissonance with People’s Perception of Digital Dependence in Companies. International Journal of Internet of Things and Web Services, 3, 61-66


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