

Tanishq. I. Kohli, Pradip R. Selokar



A Comprehensive Guide on Data Acquisition Utilizing Amazon AWS IOT Core and MQTT

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IoT has altered how we interact with the world around us by enabling gadgets to communicate with one another and share information. The paradigm-shifting introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT) has resulted in a fundamental alteration in our connection with the world, ushering in an era in which fluid communication and frictionless data interchange across gadgets have become the norm. This paper begins on an enthralling voyage into the challenging domain of connectivity, unraveling the complex process of smoothly connecting an ESP8266 microcontroller with the famed Amazon AWS IoT Core via the MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol. One of the most popular platforms for developing IoT applications is Amazon AWS IoT Core. It offers a safe, scalable, and dependable cloud service that makes it easy to connect IoT devices to the internet. The ESP8266 is a low-cost, low-power Wi-Fi module that is well-suited for IoT applications. It is easy to use and can be programmed using the Arduino IDE.MQTT is a lightweight messaging protocol that is ideal for IoT applications. It is designed to be efficient in terms of bandwidth and power consumption, which is important for battery-powered devices such as the ESP8266.The successful integration of these technologies opens up a world of possibilities for IoT developers. By connecting ESP8266 microcontrollers to AWS IoT Core, developers can create applications that collect and exchange data from a wide range of devices. This information is then used to monitor and control equipment, automate processes, and make informed decisions.


Internt of Things, Arduino, Applied Computer Science


Cite this paper

Tanishq. I. Kohli, Pradip R. Selokar. (2024) A Comprehensive Guide on Data Acquisition Utilizing Amazon AWS IOT Core and MQTT. International Journal of Internet of Things and Web Services, 9, 1-9


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