AUTHOR(S): Thomas Panagopoulos, Dulce Antunes
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ABSTRACT The soil-water nexus has a key role to play as Europe transitions to a low carbon, resource efficient economy. But water resources are under pressure, soil is being lost, while new energy nexus supports clean, smart opportunities worldwide. For us to benefit from the nexus for generations to come, knowledge needs to be created, transferred and put into practice. The way we steward soil resources, manage our land and plan our land use activities is central to ensuring Europe’s transition to a sustainable future for its citizens and its global partners. Research and knowledge dissemination are fundamental to securing soils and land for next generations, for competitive economies and healthy landscapes. Clever use of the services provided by the soil-water system provides solutions for meeting societal needs and for overcoming societal challenges. In order to create a new strategic research agenda (SRA) on soil, land-use and land management in Europe, it was collected relevant information on research demands, based on a bottom up approach in 17 European countries collecting information from more than 500 European stakeholders. This investigation revealed the research needs that should be included in the European SRA. According to key stakeholders the societal challenges facing Europe increasingly require research and innovation which integrates different approaches from across research disciplines. These often increase the impact and usefulness of the research for businesses and society. It was highlighted the need to improve the dissemination procedure and was suggested enlarged stakeholder’s involvement in research projects. The dissemination of projects should include indicators to access the social impacts, policy implications and applicability demonstrations. Strategic partnerships between universities and enterprises were recommend. Clear and accessible cost-benefits analysis, to increase the added value of research was emphasized. Recommendations for funders, researchers, end-users and citizens are included in the last chapter of this paper reporting about the EU project INSPIRATION executed as a Coordination and Support Action (CSA). |
KEYWORDS Strategic research agenda, stakeholders, soil, land, land management, land use, global change |
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Cite this paper Thomas Panagopoulos, Dulce Antunes. (2017) The Strategic Research Agenda for Integrated Spatial Planning, Land Use and Land Management in Europe. International Journal of Environmental Science, 2, 223-230 |