AUTHOR(S): Julián Mora Aliseda, Jacinto Garrido Velarde, René Bedón Garzón
TITLE Resilience Indicators as Instruments of Management of Protected Spaces |
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ABSTRACT Environmental sensitivity is increasingly a socio environmental sensitivity. So sustainability has begun to be reformulated from the Nature Sciences through the concept of socio-ecological resilience, claiming a transdisciplinary that is capable of operationally articulate the natural and cultural dimensions of the environment. Along these lines, we suggest a set of Resilience Indicators (RI) with the aim of fully evaluating pressure conditions within protected spaces. In order to work out the RI, it will be necessary to describe, primarily, the systemic characterization of the space set out to be analysed. This task is to facilitate later identification of the core variables of analysis, which will compose the bottom line for the formulation of the indicators intended to assess and monitor the resilience of protected spaces over time. The main goal in ecosystem conservation and management could be summarized as the preservation of ecosystem integrity in relation to human needs. Conservation is mainly based upon ecological stability and its relation to disruptions of human origin. This stability comprises two core components: resistance and resilience. |
KEYWORDS Environment, Protected Spaces, Resilience Indicators, Sustainability |
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Cite this paper Julián Mora Aliseda, Jacinto Garrido Velarde, René Bedón Garzón. (2017) Resilience Indicators as Instruments of Management of Protected Spaces. International Journal of Environmental Science, 2, 191-199 |