

M. R. Vijaya Kumar



Producing Manure by Vermi-composting Natural, Agro Based and Anthropogenic Organic Waste Materials

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It is well known and established fact since long time, that, the Manure made from organic sources is always the ideal material to supplement nutrients to various crops and plants. It is proven beyond any ambiguity that, the mineral fertilizers, in practice have caused more destruction of nature and sufferings to humans and animals than benefits to farming. This approach to boost agricultural yield is non-sustainable and humans have to recall that ancient system of administering organic manure is the perfect pathway to better yields. In this background a work is carried out with multiple organic waste materials employed to produce manure and one predominant earth worm specie eisenia foetida used for composting. Various materials used in the research work are Organic solid waste from the city, Baggase, maize outer layer, Papaya peels, Banana peels, Gliricidias leaves, Algae leaves, Acacia leaves, river weed, Duck weed, Parthenium, different grasses, waste tea powder etc. Pit, Bin and Tray methods are adopted to yield different results. Also the materials mentioned are used in dissimilar combinations, with an aim of arriving at distinguishable output and to identify a best possible combination among them. All the three methods were applied and finally five samples of compost are tested for NPK values from University of Agricultural sciences, Raichur, Karnataka. At the end of project good enriched compost is obtained in approximately twenty to twenty five days. The results are very encouraging and it is concluded that the manure developed could be used for agricultural applications.


compost, manure, Eisenia foetida, grass, peelings, bagasse, organic, Nitrogen ,phosphorous, potassium


Cite this paper

M. R. Vijaya Kumar. (2023) Producing Manure by Vermi-composting Natural, Agro Based and Anthropogenic Organic Waste Materials. International Journal of Environmental Science, 8, 57-64


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