

Sibari Mohamed, Hamdaoui Farid, Lakhlifi Mostapha, Elatmani Ayoub, Achhar Abderrahmane, Khadija El Kharrim, Driss Belghyti



Modeling physical and chemical pollution of Sebou river waters Kenitra, Morocco

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The physicochemical characterization of the raw surface waters of the lower Sebou river revealed that this river is heavily loaded with mineral matter. Thus, for the electrical conductivity (EC) a wide variation in the chemical composition of water, it varies between a minimum of 629 μS / cm and a maximum of 22760 μS/cm. The average pH is between 8.00 and 8.77. The pH is basic but remains acceptable according to irrigation standards. Nitrates range from 0.04 to 2692 mg / L. Chlorides range from 145.55 to 860.27 mg / L. Sulphates range from 37.62 to 441.4 mg / L. Sodium ranges from 51 to 2530 mg / L. It can be deduced that the lower Sebou sub-basin, whose mineralization faithfully follows the levels of dissolved salts, salinity, chlorides, sodium and potassium, is subject to the different types of pollution of natural origin, which are mainly mineral by (dissolving natural karst limestone substrates, Atlantic tidal, ocean spray) and anthropogenic (agricultural, industrial and urban). In conclusion, it appears from this study that the waters of the lower Sebou waters are too polluted and we recommend a proper treatment of domestic and industrial wastewater to reduce the nuisance that this river undergoes and also to alleviate the loss of this much-coveted and sought-after water resource..


Sebou Waters; Hydraulics, Physico-chemistry, Pollution, Kenitra, Morocco


Cite this paper

Sibari Mohamed, Hamdaoui Farid, Lakhlifi Mostapha, Elatmani Ayoub, Achhar Abderrahmane, Khadija El Kharrim, Driss Belghyti. (2020) Modeling physical and chemical pollution of Sebou river waters Kenitra, Morocco. International Journal of Environmental Science, 5, 179-184


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