

Mukhtar, Arifin Utha, Dasmin Sidu, Asrun Lio



Implementation of Local Wisdom in Land Tenure and Land Management as Vertical Conflict Resolution at Kontu Forest, Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi

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This study investigates some local wisdom in the management and ownership of land (land tenure) which has been developed among Muna communities. The study can serve as a model to resolve the conflict between society and the government. There are some solutions that can be implemented to resolve the vertical conflict between the government and the community. First, the implementation of local wisdom Kawaagho system by granting Kontu forests to the communities to be managed according to the principles of sustainable forest management. Grants or disposal of the land can be done when not contradictory to the legislations and the criteria of the grant recipients who will be given the right to use the land within a period of 10 years. If during this period was still in the name of the grantee (the heirs), the status of ownership can be converted into a right to use proprietary. Second, local wisdom system of Taiha/Kafotai is a form of land tenure on a part or the whole land that is borrowed temporarily. The regulations agreed in land management system of Kafotai, for the processing plant can only seek short-term and cannot plant crops for the benefit of themselves and their families.The land management of Kafotai is in line with the Community Based Forest Management (CBFM). The third model is land management of Kaendea which is rather similar to the agroforestry system. In ancient times, the planting in Kaendea model was irregular, because no simultaneous planting and did not use the line system.


Vertical Conflict, Local Wisdom, Kontu Forest


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Cite this paper

Mukhtar, Arifin Utha, Dasmin Sidu, Asrun Lio. (2016) Implementation of Local Wisdom in Land Tenure and Land Management as Vertical Conflict Resolution at Kontu Forest, Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. International Journal of Environmental Science, 1, 119-124


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