

C. Lanzerstorfer



Fly Ash from the Combustion of Post-Consumer Waste Wood: Distribution of Heavy Metals by Particle Size

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In industrialized countries considerable amounts of post-consumer waste wood are generated, which can be used as fuel in combustion processes. Because of the contamination of the waste wood with heavy metals, the ash produced contains higher amounts of some heavy metals. In the investigated fly ash the concentrations were within the published range. Generally, the enrichment of the heavy metals in the fine fraction was equal to or less compared to reported data for wood combustion fly ash. The main exception to this was Mn, which was enriched in the fine fractions in this study while in wood combustion fly ash the concentration was independent of the particle size. For the heavy metals Cd, Pb and Zn the dependence of the concentration on the particle size was similar to published data for wood combustion fly ash. The size dependence of the sulfate concentration was even more pronounced. The dry flue gas desulphurization unit operated in the investigated plant is likely to be responsible for this difference.


Waste wood, combustion, fly ash, heavy metals, particle size, air classification


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Cite this paper

C. Lanzerstorfer. (2017) Fly Ash from the Combustion of Post-Consumer Waste Wood: Distribution of Heavy Metals by Particle Size. International Journal of Environmental Science, 2, 438-442


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