

Axel Siegemund



Fear For Future? Notions of Truth in Climate Adaptation

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There is no homogeneous climate politics due to different perceptions of how the world is. The political and the moral plurality refer back to a global variety of transcendent notions of truth apart from climate knowledge. Claims of validity result from religious and secular worldviews on man and nature. But the pure existence of images and narratives can not explain why people – and nations – follow them or not. The article asks how we construct trust through the perception of inner-worldly transcendence. It focuses on the icon “Blue Planet”, the notion of intergenerational justice and the construction of narrative climate concepts in climate fiction (cli-fi) as expressions of a collective destiny. These notions do not describe the world as it is, but they are necessary to create a will to believe and a sense of community. Today´s key issue is not to convince the remaining climate deniers, but to turn the already believed truth of climate change into action guiding trust. This article is an attempt to scrutinize the climate-worldview-nexus in the secular sphere with theological methods. It will try to critically examine the climate discourse as a matter of action-oriented ethics.


Climate Adaptation, Environmental ethics, nature and society, secular faith, pragmatism, blue marble


Cite this paper

Axel Siegemund. (2022) Fear For Future? Notions of Truth in Climate Adaptation. International Journal of Environmental Science, 7, 209-217


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