TITLE Saferational Argument - The Prerequisite Setup of a Sustainable Management of Natural Resources |
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ABSTRACT The aims of this paper are to critically analyze the global context in terms of several natural resources and to ascertain the best possible responses to the current practices. The solutions considered are of utmost importance as they are at the same time safe and rational for present and future generations. The analysis and solutions presented by this paper may contribute to a better awareness of the general public of present and future constraints, as during informal meetings with academia, researchers and students, the topic of natural resources seemed controversial and the consequences of a given action were not fully grasped. Therefore, the findings of this paper may set a milestone for politicians whom should better incorporate safety and rationality into the future legislation meant for a sustainable global course. The solutions of this paper include the dimensions of the saferational development, safety and rationality, as the society must cope with the present and future needs of a growing population, but most importantly, with a different life style at global level that will modify the global consumption patterns. |
KEYWORDS resource management, sustainable development, safety, rationality, welfare |
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Cite this paper Daniela Cristina Momete. (2017) Saferational Argument - The Prerequisite Setup of a Sustainable Management of Natural Resources. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 2, 155-160 |