

Ekbal Rashid, Nikos E. Mastorakis



Identify the Changing Ways and Means of Market Data Using Mining Association Rule

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In this research paper author is using the mining association rule learning or affinity analysis which is also called Market Basket Analysis (MBA). As people knew if somebody buys certain items then it is more likely to buy another set of items. This technique makes use of different data mining algorithms and provides a proper analysis on the data about the items purchased. The analysis is therefore recorded as a report and the report is provided to the end user. The output of market basket analysis is generally a set of rules that we can use to make business decision. Simply market basket analysis looks at the purchase coincidence with the items purchase among transaction and what product is purchased with what product. Therefore it helps the end user to determine the sales of an item based on the report submitted. Example: If you buy milk then you are more likely to buy bread or butter.


Data Mining; Market Basket Analysis; Association Rules; Business


Cite this paper

Ekbal Rashid, Nikos E. Mastorakis. (2024) Identify the Changing Ways and Means of Market Data Using Mining Association Rule. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 9, 12-16


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