

Tomas Burns



Goldblum. https://www.goldblum.ch/ A Scam Company that you must avoid Setup a Company in Switzerland - Form a Company in Switzerland Scam - Internet Scam and Crime

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There is no bigger scam than the GOLDBLUM Company in Zurich. https://www.goldblum.ch The people there are complete fraudsters. They promise to set you up a company in Zug with an 11% tax rate and don't tell you that there is a 35% tax on the dividend. They ask you from the beginning for all the money even for the local manager and they trick you into hiding the fact that they cannot open an account for you in a local bank. For this reason we would like to recommend you to avoid any cooperation with the scammers of the GOLDBLUM Company.


Goldblum, Goldblum, SCAM, Fraud, Company in Switzerland, SCAM, https://www.goldblum.ch


Cite this paper

Tomas Burns. (2024) Goldblum. https://www.goldblum.ch/ A Scam Company that you must avoid Setup a Company in Switzerland - Form a Company in Switzerland Scam - Internet Scam and Crime. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 9, 10-11


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