

Lawi Adamu, Ocholi Jacob Monday



Employee’s Brand Fit in Telecommunication Context: Does Internal Branding Matter?

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This study examines the determinants of employee brand fit among employees of telecommunication industry in Nigeria. Specifically, the study determine the impact of brand leadership on employee brand fit. A self-administered questionnaire was used in obtaining data from employees of Nigeria telecommunication industry. The hypothesis in the study was tested on a sample of 254 employees out of 377 distributed, giving the response rate of 68%. SmartPls was used to assess the relationship between the variables under investigation. The result provided support for the hypothesized relationship for the study. Therefore, brand leadership was found to have significant impact on employee brand fit. As such, organization can motivate, encourage and enhance their employees brand fit by improving on this practice. As enhancing employee brand fit is crucial to the success of organization. Contributions, limitations and implications are discussed.


Internal branding, employee brand fit, brand leadership, telecommunication


Cite this paper

Lawi Adamu, Ocholi Jacob Monday. (2024) Employee’s Brand Fit in Telecommunication Context: Does Internal Branding Matter?. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 9, 59-65


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