

Ivan Destian Butar Butar, Okky Yuliani Puteri, Christian Haposan Pangaribuan, Bambang Setiono, Yolanda Rahmalia Belda



A Study on Financial Decision of Indonesian Millennials

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This study examines Indonesian millennial financial decisions affected by financial education and financial behaviors. Financial behavior composes short-term and long-term behavior and this study focuses more on the short-term behavior. As a result, this study reveals millennial short-term behavior will mediate the relationship between financial education and financial decision if moderate with a high level of income. Then, this study also highlighted that millennial financial decisions have a direct relationship with financial education. Therefore, the millennials need to get effective financial programs in the college and workplace in order to improve their short-term behavior and financial decision.


Millennials, Financial Education, Income, Short-Term Behavior, Financial Decisions


Cite this paper

Ivan Destian Butar Butar, Okky Yuliani Puteri, Christian Haposan Pangaribuan, Bambang Setiono, Yolanda Rahmalia Belda. (2021) A Study on Financial Decision of Indonesian Millennials. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 6, 104-111


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